It is an "umbrella" organization designed to house several areas of business. Currently our main areas of concentration are Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Consulting Services and various Seminars & Workshops. F4WD was created to give back to the community though spiritual, practical, educational and motivational means.
The future of Fokus 4Ward will be to offer a variety of inspirational products and services to cater to one's holistic needs. Fokus 4Ward's mission is to uplift and inspire the world, providing tools necessary to live a life in abundance and happiness. We provide professional services in several areas of expertise.
The future of Fokus 4Ward will be to offer a variety of inspirational products and services to cater to one's holistic needs. Fokus 4Ward's mission is to uplift and inspire the world, providing tools necessary to live a life in abundance and happiness. We provide professional services in several areas of expertise.
I present my material through interactive presentations or workshops. It's important to me to get feedback and participation from the attendees so that they are engaged and not just listening to a seminar. My presentations are designed to fit into 1 hour time frames. This investment into the well being of your employees works great during scheduled team building or other days where you are all gathered together.
C.L.I.F.F.F stands for Communication, Love, Intimacy, Forgiveness, Flexibility and Fun! There are many successful people who say becoming successful is like taking the leap off the side of a cliff, out of a plane, or like a bird out of the nest. You'll never know you can fly until you actually leap.
Seeing a Counselor doesn't mean you have some huge issue you're struggling with. It can mean you simply want to talk to someone or bounce ideas off them. It could mean you need help with budgeting, deciding which paint color to use, wondering if you should get married, .anything! No matter the reason, I would love to speak with you about it.
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