Whether you're in need of the healing space of therapy or seeking empowerment and encouragement to take your relationships and career to the next level, Lisa Lewis Counseling can help. Many of my clients begin therapy with anxiety and depression symptoms. Once we have a better understanding of these symptoms, we work to uncover deeper questions and longings around life purpose.
Together, at Lisa Lewis Counseling, we rediscover your passion for life. When I see clients light up and let go of what's holding them back, I see them move forward with ease and break the ties that bind them. They're better able to navigate life's obstacles, and they feel more connected to themselves and others.
Together, at Lisa Lewis Counseling, we rediscover your passion for life. When I see clients light up and let go of what's holding them back, I see them move forward with ease and break the ties that bind them. They're better able to navigate life's obstacles, and they feel more connected to themselves and others.
I want my clients to feel safe, so they can be seen, heard and felt in a healthy therapeutic environment. Most of us have had to hide, ignore and tuck away our true essence, our vitality, our liveliness, so that we could be loved, tolerated, and accepted by our family members and caregivers. They didn't know how to love us for who we are because they were lacking the skills to do it.
This is an important time to take time for your SELF. If you are feeling isolated from your support systems, or if you are stressed and irritated after being in close proximity with the same people for an extended period of time, online therapy can help. As our world moves more and more online, I have extended my private practice to provide psychotherapy online and by telephone.
You may feel like you don't know what to do because you hear conflicting information about the best way to parent. Parent and family therapy can help explore this and a wide range of family issues. Raising children in the modern world requires unremitting evaluation, and perpetual questioning of our decisions.
You may ask yourself, "Is this what my life has come to?" Or you may even secretly wonder, "What's wrong with me?" because you hate feeling this way but can't seem to change it. You may feel anxiety only about certain things, such as a phobia or an important upcoming event. Or you may feel anxious often, as if you're on edge waiting for the next bad thing to happen.
Despite your best efforts to pull yourself out of it, you continue to struggle in significant ways-and you're realizing you want more for yourself. Whether depression therapy or body mind therapy doesn't cross your mind because you can barely get out of bed, or you're a little sad and don't think depression therapy is necessary, these symptoms can really take a toll on your overall health and wellbeing.
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