Trusted by over 12,784 Investors and Realtors for their direct mail needs. With over 500 Real Estate Templates that create results to choose from, more added daily with your success in mind. We sell Yellow Letters and Postcards for Real Estate Investors, Realtors, Agents, and Brokers. We have Probate Letters, Inherited Letters, Vacant Letters, Multi-Family Letters, Just Sold Postcards and I Buy Houses Direct Mail.
We have everything for the Real Estate Professional. If You Need a Custom Letter we can do that too.
We have everything for the Real Estate Professional. If You Need a Custom Letter we can do that too.
When marketing to a prospect it is extremely important not to send the same mail piece month after month. Doing so tends to degrade your list and its performance. Which is why we love what we call "Cluster Marketing". Call us at (661) 338-6005 and we will share the strategy behind this very successful marketing approach.
Use a unique telephone number on each mailing. Utilizing our robust CRM, which include Phone, Text, Email and webform capability, is a seamless way to manage your call volume and business follow-up. Each order can include a unique phone number that redirects all calls to the business number you select, or you can answer it live on your computer.
The above lists are the meat behind successful real estate. There are many different types of list available and the following is a brief description of some. Mortgage Lates - Mortgage lates come from the credit reporting companies and are great for prospecting to people before a recorded foreclosure or lis pendens.