NO EQUIPMENT, KETTLEBELL, DUMBBELL, BAND & GYM WORKOUT OPTIONS MOBILITY WORKOUTS, RE-HAB PROGRAMS, NUTRITION and more! Our members include some pretty amazing humans, and, while we are all distinctly unique, in the end our goals are far more than empty before & after pictures. Our goals are strength, longevity, health, community and quality of life and movement.
Dasha specializes in performance enhancement, injury prevention, post-rehab, health, longevity and physique (fat loss and/ or muscle gain) goals. Invest in the best. Your time and effort cannot be wasted on random workouts, purposeless sweat, sudo-science, poor programming and lack-luster technique.
Dasha specializes in performance enhancement, injury prevention, post-rehab, health, longevity and physique (fat loss and/ or muscle gain) goals. Invest in the best. Your time and effort cannot be wasted on random workouts, purposeless sweat, sudo-science, poor programming and lack-luster technique.
KBIA, Kettlebell & Kettlebell Kickboxing Instructor, Trainers Certifications and Education live and on Zoom. KBKB Live Anytime/ Anywhere Studio; a worldwide community of strong, focused, diverse and successful individuals coming together for strength, longevity and health.
Brand Partnerships & Custom Curations; Dasha and KBKB work with brands like Nike, Chobani, Victoria Secret Sport, Womens Health Mag and many others in a variety of ways, from content partnerships, corporate and community events to blog & newsletter features.Private Training and Custom Program Design; Train live on zoom or in person w/ Dasha Anderson, or have Dasha program design all of your workouts, nutrition & progress.
Brand Partnerships & Custom Curations; Dasha and KBKB work with brands like Nike, Chobani, Victoria Secret Sport, Womens Health Mag and many others in a variety of ways, from content partnerships, corporate and community events to blog & newsletter features.Private Training and Custom Program Design; Train live on zoom or in person w/ Dasha Anderson, or have Dasha program design all of your workouts, nutrition & progress.
Jenel is a Master Level Kettlebell Kickboxing (M-KBIA) instructor. She has a Bachelor of Science in Business Management and a (MS) Master of Science in Sport Administration. Additionally she holds a (CSCS) NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and is a Precision Nutrition Certified Nutritional Counselor.
12-Disc Body Breakdown Program Use a kettlebell or dumbbell to get strong & lean from home Workouts ranging from 25 - 50 minutes. Get Leaner, Stronger and Out Of Pain In 90 Days. 3 beginner, intermediate, advanced strength programs. 3 HIIT burn sessions. 1 core & ab session. Ideal for men and women looking to get stronger and leaner.
Follow BONUS workouts & challenges in your 8W plan, custom made for each 8W phase by Dasha. The only equipment required is two long and one short hip band and (ideally a broom, dow or basic 5-10 lb bar) *all of this will be provided upon sign up. That is the equivalent to a single session with a highly accredited, qualified professional!
Invest in the best. Because your time and effort cannot be wasted on random workouts, purposeless sweat, sudo-science, poor programming and lack-luster technique. Dasha has a Masters Degree in Exercise Science, 2 decades in fitness, education & program design. She specializes in performance enhancement, injury prevention, post rehab and body composition transformation.