(17) (17)
(970) 217-0201
Local computer stores like Micro Computer World mentioned above and many others were being put out of business when the "big box" stores like Best Buy, Office Depot and Office Max moved in. ComputerEaze was created with the philosophy that we would provide what they could not. We will provide the highest level of personalized one-on-one support with
Shaka —
Positive: Professionalism, Responsiveness
Rapid response to my online inquiry. Took care of my computer quickly. Very
Computer PC Medic has been providing first-class computer repair and Home & Business IT services, in Fort Collins, Colorado, since 2008. We realize you need to get your computer back as soon as possible. So, to best help you with your Home & Office IT and Windows PC computer repair issues, we have designed our services to be fast, quality and affordable
Nan Behm —
Positive: Professionalism, Quality, Responsiveness, Value
Dan is extremely professional. I have been working with Dan
We are committed to providing you and your business with the best customer service available in the industry. We have skilled technicians that can diagnose your computer issues and provide solutions to get you up and running in a timely manner. Our pricing is competitive and our service is unparalleled.
Your data needs to be protected. Our team of
Ian Menzies —
We have had the privilege of having Jim support our business locations for many years and this past week he got us up and
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