(11) (11)
(425) 201-4161
Located in Kirkland, WA, H2 Hypnosis proudly provides hypnosis services to the communities of Kirkland, Redmond, Bothell, and Bellevue. After my own life journey was altered by a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis, I discovered that hypnosis helped heal me from the inside. As I learned to become stronger - and find my true self - I began to study hypnosis
Loreneb —
Dominique is a wonderful, trustful and very empathetic person. You quickly see her professionalism, and you don't ever feel

(10) (10)
(425) 326-0483
Trying hard to make a change but to keep failing can be disheartening. Not being able to show up how you'd like to can leave you frustrated and unsatisfied with your life. Tough times have left a trace in your mind and your heart that has been preventing you from being your best self. You want to move forward but simply don't know how to anymore.
Colleen Laing —
Ugo is a very effective hypnotist. I’ve seen results from working with him on exercising regularly, and I feel tremendously
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