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(214) 774-2390
We connect humans. We value communication over buzz and results over pretension. Your delivered solution will be Intelligent, Elegant, Efficient, and Delightful, because that's what we people appreciate. We take particular pride in delivering within Highly Regulated Industries, where additional constraints bring out the best in our problem-solving ninjas
Gary Bell —
Our company has been successfully selling software to the business and education world for twenty years. When it came time
It's a fact: too many gimmicks and trend-chasing, unencumbered by direct marketing best practices, will not give you the one thing that really matters. Direct Marketing Results. Your stakeholders expect it. You demand it. To gain optimal direct marketing results, you need to align yourself with an expert resource who knows when to play by the rules
Pointsmith is a privately held marketing agency that understands the importance of client commitment. That is why we have been able to create long-term partnerships with some of the most sought after globally recognized brands. Our reputation is not based on what we want it to be, but rather what our clients determine it will be.
We live by the belief
Bringing Your Brand To Life Producing stellar events is part of our DNA. No matter the industry, events are a great way to communicate what you do and show how well you do it. Whether you need a new brand identity, an integrated sales solution, a flawless event, crisis management or just some good old-fashioned publicity, we have the right tools and
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