I'm a former marketing specialist, journalist, and social media manager turned entrepreneur coach and community leader. Whether it's watching a client tell me why they're uniquely qualified in their profession, working together to create copy that sells, or seeing their eyes light up when they feel inspired to tackle a problem, working as a life and
Jacquelyn Burt —
When I first connected with Katrina about working with her for entrepreneurial coaching support, I was hesitant - I was convinced
Your trusted source for team leadership insights, delivering break-through team-to-team learnings. Create an immediate impact within your teams using these proven tools to begin generating positive results. Good Leadership Coaches strengthen teams and improve business results with a focus on the Goodness Pays Leadership System.
By fostering Alignment
As CEO/Owner you're not always going to hear what you need to hear from your employees or your board. As a member of the CBC/CEO Roundtable members are going to tell you what they sense you need to hear, both about you and your business, not just what you feel you want to hear. It's like having an objective sounding board of CEOs whose only agenda is
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