Therapeutic massage is the modality that comes to mind when most people think about massage. As the best known type of bodywork performed today, one of the primary goals of the Swedish massage technique is to relax the entire body. This is accomplished by massaging the muscles with long gliding strokes in the direction of the blood returning to the
Lori Jendrzejewski —
Positive: Quality
Best deep tissue massage I have ever received. Perfect pressure and uses real essential oils which truly
My journey to massage and helping people feel better has been a long one that began when I was severely injured in a vehicle accident. The injuries required major back surgery resulting in enduring pain on a daily basis. Later in life, a corporate job led to more neck and back pain. I wanted to gain understanding of the body to ease my pain and the
Chrystyna Albinger —
Positive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality
Had an amazing experience from start to finish today with Sarah. The
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