(17) (17)
(916) 768-1777
Let me guess, you've never heard of leak detection? Most people don't know specialists like us even exist until they need us! High water bill and no signs of water surfacing? Hearing the sound of running water in the walls when no water is in use? Hot water heater always running? Pool loosing excessive amounts of water or chemicals?
These are all signs
Mike B. —
EB Leak Detection got the job done the first time. I called several companies and 2 did not even bother calling me back.
Our specialists provide commercial and residential plumbing service for both remodels and new construction. We are trained to design, assemble, and install piping systems for any sized home or office, and with any style of pipes. And we provide a full estimate before any work is done. Plus, we can set up an inspection and maintenance schedule to keep
Hugoandjulia Vera —
We have an EWS whole-house water filter that it connected to our main water pipe and filters every drop of water used. We
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