Individualized treatment is more than a concept. It is the best practice approach for treating any person suffering from any illness. The path to wellness begins with the clinical relationship where a comprehensive history is taken. Whether treating a substance use disorder, a personality disorder, bipolar disorder, clinical depression, generalized anxiety disorder or any of the many diagnosable illnesses, the relationship begins to form when an individual makes the choice to contact a provider.
Once this first and courageous step is taken, then it is the duty of the clinician and every staff member to insure that the individual is provided an environment where he or she feels safe and comfortable.This creates a foundation of trust and allows an ongoing, collaborative relationship to evolve.
Once this first and courageous step is taken, then it is the duty of the clinician and every staff member to insure that the individual is provided an environment where he or she feels safe and comfortable.This creates a foundation of trust and allows an ongoing, collaborative relationship to evolve.
Since the advent of the "opioid crisis" we have seen significant increases in overdose deaths involving opiates & opioids. One particular drug, Fentanyl, has been found to be a primary factor in overdoses and overdose deaths. We respect that our patients have the right to choice their path to sobriety and that might initially include the use of opiate blockers such as Naltrexone, an opioid replacement drugs such as Buprenorphine or Methadone.