Welcome, if you are going through a challenging transition in your life that has caused a shift in your mood to sadness or anxiety you are not alone. Any person is capable of suffering from chronic sadness, constant worrying, and unhappiness at some point in their lives. Counseling offers solutions to your problems, improves your overall being, guidance and support to assist you in accomplishing your goals to live the life that you want to live.
Research findings reiterate the fact that a person can have an increase in their well-being through a therapeutic relationship with a professional counselor. In counseling you will improve self-awareness and gain insight on what actions to take to improve your mood and enhance your relationships. How do you know if you need therapy?
Research findings reiterate the fact that a person can have an increase in their well-being through a therapeutic relationship with a professional counselor. In counseling you will improve self-awareness and gain insight on what actions to take to improve your mood and enhance your relationships. How do you know if you need therapy?
Offering counseling services via Telehealth Care platform combining HIPAA video chat. HIPPA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act that requires the establishment of national standards for electronic health care transactions and national identifiers for providers. HIPAA requires that there be added protection of video sessions through encryption processing to protect your confidentiality.
Counseling is beneficial to improve your mood and those that are around you. In family systems theory only one member in the family is needed to create change within the family. This means that even if your loved ones are not ready or ever will be ready for therapy, counseling can still help you and your family as a whole by just one person attending therapy.
Brenda Giron became a counselor for the love of helping people and guiding them in their growth. Sheobtained her Masters of Science degree through a nationally accredited program in Marriage and Family Therapy at Loma Linda University. Sheprovides counseling services to individuals, couples and families, and is Certified as a Cooperative Parenting Instructor in both English and Spanish.
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The S.
Aug 08, 2019