Stargait Physical Therapy Helping your kids improve in a variety of way by combining Physical Therapy services with Reflex Integration. We offer therapy services to children and their families. This includes children from birth to teens as well as their parents/guardians.
We specialize in the Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI) and our aim is to improve you and your child's overall functioning, quality of life, and knowledge about how to maintain health and well-being.Helping those dealing with nervous system damage to improve mobility and how you function in a day-to-day life.
We specialize in the Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI) and our aim is to improve you and your child's overall functioning, quality of life, and knowledge about how to maintain health and well-being.Helping those dealing with nervous system damage to improve mobility and how you function in a day-to-day life.
Our mission, "Integrate to change, " allows us to impact all individuals we touch: to improve a sense of well- being and to live the best quality of life. Our success stories have shown to impact on kids with developmental delays, behavior disorders, emotional challenges, concussion, depression, anxiety, and phobias.