Available nationally and internationally for marriage counseling, couples therapy and coaching online using ZOOM and in-person office visits. Contact me for my safety regulations. Relational Living Therapy is a form of couples counseling that is all about knowing yourself and what you can change and bring to the table.
Both partners will have work to do. This is an innovative, cutting-edge model that can bring you into a radically new kind of relationship as you and your partner work towards fierce intimacy. I do Relational Living Therapy as developed by Terry Real, MSW. I know that in your relationship to the different sides of you and in your relationship to your partner, you can see your strengths and weakness with a unique clarity.
Both partners will have work to do. This is an innovative, cutting-edge model that can bring you into a radically new kind of relationship as you and your partner work towards fierce intimacy. I do Relational Living Therapy as developed by Terry Real, MSW. I know that in your relationship to the different sides of you and in your relationship to your partner, you can see your strengths and weakness with a unique clarity.
I have been a psychotherapist in Santa Barbara for over 30 years. Psychotherapy is one of the professions that gets better with age and experience, so the older I get, the better I get as a therapist. At this point, I'm really good! Therapy is a deep combination of art, craft, and science. Together, my clients and I are creative, open, and very practical.
I have studied every aspect of marriage therapy--from pre-marital therapy to co-parenting for divorced parents. This is a huge scope along a single spectrum of couples therapies and coaching. Currently, I am most interested in helping marriages stay together, using divorce-busting techniques. I also can work with only one partner and help them improve the marriage with solo efforts.
If you have a problem in your marriage, one that doesn't go away, then brief marriage therapy is very helpful. Marriage brings out the best and worst of us. We each have our own perceptions of ourselves, our partners and of what is going on between the two of you. I can give you an objective read of your dynamics.
When we have finished our work, you leave this office believing that we have hit a home run, what would be different? In Relational Living Therapy, the coaching part is teaching and championing each of you to learn new relational skills. This goes on within the therapy sessions. I have hand-outs for each and suggest that you practice and use them throughout your life.