There are many different styles of "Oriental Medicine", Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese, German, and French, and all are based on a principal of movement or balance of energy. Kototama Inochi Medicine is a unique, profound, and extremely effective medicine. It combines traditional Japanese acupuncture, pulse diagnosis, .
Chronic pain can be the result of many things including sitting for hours at a computer to weekend physical activity. As we age it takes longer to recover from injuries. Acupuncture or Shonishin for children has been shown to be extremely beneficial in accelerating the healing process. Children and young adults are still.
Chronic pain can be the result of many things including sitting for hours at a computer to weekend physical activity. As we age it takes longer to recover from injuries. Acupuncture or Shonishin for children has been shown to be extremely beneficial in accelerating the healing process. Children and young adults are still.
Jeffrey Meyer is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine specializing in Kototama Inochi Medicine. His holistic, primary care practice focuses on treating you. the entire you, physically and emotionally. Dr. Meyer has been a New Mexico alternative health care provider since 1993 and is credentialed with Christus St. Vincent Regional Medical Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Acupuncture and Kototama Inochi Medicine can be very beneficial for pre- and post-surgical procedures. Treatments prior to surgery can help calm the patient and strengthen their immune system. A surgical procedure is often followed by a physical or psychological challenge and a patient can experience a level of post-traumatic stress.
Stress is a part of most of our lives and can be caused by work, family, and life in general. Stress can have an adverse affect on our structural system (muscles, tendons and bones), as well as our mental health. Studies have shown that long-term stress can rewire your brain, leaving you more vulnerable to anxiety, depression, anger, and fear.
There are many different styles of "Oriental Medicine", Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese, German, and French, and all are based on a principal of movement or balance of energy. Kototama Inochi Medicine is a unique, profound, and extremely effective medicine. It combines traditional Japanese acupuncture, pulse diagnosis, manual therapy, and the principles of Kototama Futomani.
Dr. Meyer's Oriental Medical Practice includes the treatment of animals, offering acupuncture, moxibustion and bodywork. Acupuncture is considered a medical treatment and must be performed under the supervision of a Dr. of Veterinary Medicine. Energetic Grooming is not considered a "medical treatment", therefore, it can be performed on site without Veterinary supervision.
Reviews (1)
Hope Kiah
Sep 14, 2015