ACCU-CHEK has Discovered Thousands of Deficiencies and Damage Every Year in Potential Purchases. If you are Buying a Property, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing the condition of the property. You will learn about your potential new home including maintenance tips and safety enhancement. The inspector will also point out defects both major and minor.
An Experienced Professional Inspector can determine if there are any issues the seller should repair before purchase. Some repairs can cost you thousands if not addressed prior to purchase. If you are Selling a Property, a preinspected home is a more marketable home. You will learn if any defects exist that you were not aware of.
An Experienced Professional Inspector can determine if there are any issues the seller should repair before purchase. Some repairs can cost you thousands if not addressed prior to purchase. If you are Selling a Property, a preinspected home is a more marketable home. You will learn if any defects exist that you were not aware of.
Frank has over 20 years experience in Home Inspections and he has inspected thousands of homes during his career. He is a Licensed Home Inspector through the State of New Jersey. There have been countless complaints from people that have used an Inexperienced Inspector missing major issues. Frank believes it is in the Buyer's best interest to use an Experienced Inspector and to be present at the inspection.
Once we have scheduled an appointment, we will send you a Preinspection Agreement for you to read over before signing at the inspection. The day of the inspection the Inspector will meet you at the home and have you fill out appropriate info and sign the Agreement. He will complete the Home Inspection and take photos and answer any questions you may have.
Dear Frank, We would like to take this time to thank you (and your colleague) for the wonderful work and attention to detail concerning our Home Inspection. We are recommending you to people already! We appreciate everything - the meticulous inspection, you answering our questions and phone calls, the advice and especially your thoughfulness and courtesy.
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