Reduce your aches, pains, and stiffness so you can move without feeling like your body is fighting itself. Build strength and endurance on top of a solid foundation of movement skills so every activity you do feels easier than before. You'll be starting at a point that is safe for you while working on overcoming your limitations.
When it comes to fitness, there is a lot of information out there. Very little of it is meant for adults who want to feel strong and capable but have an injury history or are concerned about getting hurt with a program that's not the right fit for them. You deserve a fitness program that not only addresses your goals, but what you need long-term to build fitness for your future.
When it comes to fitness, there is a lot of information out there. Very little of it is meant for adults who want to feel strong and capable but have an injury history or are concerned about getting hurt with a program that's not the right fit for them. You deserve a fitness program that not only addresses your goals, but what you need long-term to build fitness for your future.
Painful shoulders may not limit your ability to move around like low back or lower body joint pain. One of the biggest causes of knee pain is poor hip control and hip strength, which then translates to more stress at the knee. But there is a second factor involved in knee pain that's almost as common as poor hip control.
Imagine what your life would be like without aches and pains, if you were stronger, if you felt younger, and could do all the activities you wanted without feeling limited or questioning your own abilities. That's what I want to help you achieve. My online experience will guide you from the beginner steps to an advanced level.
Achieve more than you think you're capable of and become stronger on the inside as well as the outside. I am thrilled with my personal records and progress to date, and I look forward to each session rather than avoiding movement or making excuses. Doug has made my path toward strength, flexibility and stability fun and highly effective.
Worked with Santa Cruz City Fire Department to develop an injury prevention and conditioning program. Created the Running Foundations and Strength Training For Runners programs at Fleet Feet Sports Aptos. I started training like a bodybuilder in my late teens to get stronger and bigger. I lifted heavy weights and trained for an hour and a half 5-6 days per week and I got big, I got strong, and that was my identity.
Reviews (4)
Marlene M.
Apr 22, 2018
I've worked out with Doug for almost five years now. I starting working out with him when my mobility was significantly impacted by problems with pain. My physical therapist had recommended him once I was ready to work out with a trainer. Though I've thoroughly recovered from that pain issue, I've had other issues and injuries that have slowed me down over the years. Doug has been able to help me maintain a high level of activity over the years while accommodating injuries and illnesses. Also, he's continued to maintain contact with my physical therapist and Doug's recommendations
Natasha W.
Dec 01, 2011
Emma E.
Oct 21, 2011
I met Doug Barsanti owner of ReInvention Fitness via Toadal Fitness over a year ago. He was assigned to me when I first joined the gym to provide 3 complimentary training sessions. I was in a critical point in my life. I had recently lost about 40lbs and was starting to gain some back. I really wanted to start running again as I had not done so in too many years to mention.
I decided to make an investment in myself by signing up for personal training sessions with him. I've been seeing him consistently since September 2010 and thanks to him I just completed the Nike Women's Half
I decided to make an investment in myself by signing up for personal training sessions with him. I've been seeing him consistently since September 2010 and thanks to him I just completed the Nike Women's Half
Linda M.
Aug 21, 2011
Doug B. was recommended to me by the owner of Toadal Fitness, where I am a member. Having retired from teaching, I was finally ready to get real about fitness. My goals were increased strength and flexibility. Doug opened my eyes to a much broader definition of lifetime fitness. I love the Reinvention Fitness motto: "Don't let age get in the way." The training regimen Doug developed specifically for me has definitely yielded results. Most important, because of his depth of knowledge and keen observation, Doug identified some physical issues that needed to be addressed beyond the