Ancient Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Health Center
Jin Fang and Xue-cheng (John) Shang Both long time Licensed Acupuncture Practitioners understand that you are not living your best possible life unless your mind and body are completely healthy. That's why we take a holistic approach to preventing and reversing disease. Our goal is to provide alternative medical care that will reverse and prevent disease using the fundamental healing principles of mind-body medicine.

The education we had in China Zhejiang Chinese Medical University from 1978-1983 was to prove the best way to heal body naturally. We care about your well being and will provide you with guidance, knowledge, and the tools needed to be healthy. We are here to help you achieve optimal wellness. We Accept BCBS insurance, Booking online will get you $10 off for your first Acupuncture Treatment.
Children Health, Growth, Bed Wetting and Human Development, Diabetes, Digestive Diseases, Kidney Function Weakness and many more. Jin Fang worked with many scientists on menopause and published an article on The Journal of Alternative and Complement Medicine in 2009. Dr. Shang was an orthopedic surgeon in China for 13 years before coming to the United States.
Happy Mood-Natural Chinese Herbs for treatment of Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, ADD/ADHD. A Natural Antidepressant Chinese herbal medicine for all ages. If you are taking Happy Mood for depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, or concentration, take one pill three times a day. If you take one pill in the morning and already feel better, you can stay with one pill a day.
Jin Fang worked with many scientists on menopause and published an article on The Journal Of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2009. Q: Any side effects from Grow Taller? A: No known side effects. Safe and effective, if take it at right age for girls and boys. Q:What is right age? A: Is your elementary child tall for her age?
Reviews (9)
Corey Russell
Corey Russell
Nov 28, 2021
I am SO grateful to have found Ancient Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs. I have chronic pain and old injury flare-ups. Acupuncture has not only helped with the physical pain, but it calms my nervous system and completely shifts my energy. Jin is kind and knowledgeable and always knows exactly what needs to be done. I haven't had acupuncture with John, but he is always warm and welcoming. It is apparent that they both care deeply about their work (and are amazing at what they do). If you've been looking for an acupuncturist, I highly recommend Ancient Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs!
Diana Kaye Powell
Diana Kaye Powell
Oct 06, 2021
Professional, intelligent, listens without judgment and unbelievably caring are all words to describe the care you receive from Jin Fang and Xue cheng Shang. I have suffered from severe allergies, arthritis pain and chronic debilitating migraines for most of my life and where Western medicine has failed me, the holistic treatments of Jin Fang has stepped in and turned my health around. From herbal supplements to acupuncture treatments I can honestly and wholeheartedly state that I have never felt better in my life. I will be forever grateful for their commitment to helping and healing others.
Caitlyn Keery
Caitlyn Keery
Jun 29, 2021
Incredibly knowledgeable, very professional and caring practice that has helped me even after the first visit. I have dealt with severe allergies as well as multiple chronic illnesses for my whole life and the medications I’ve found to work for them always come with intense side effects. After only two weeks of switching to herbs and trying acupuncture, I have found the same relief without any of the unwanted side effects. I highly recommend you give them a try!
Constance Graham
Constance Graham
Apr 22, 2021
Jin Fang is knowledgeable and very helpful about treating my hypertension. I especially appreciate her talking about diet and other things I can do to lower my pressure between acupuncture treatments.
Barbara Christoff
Barbara Christoff
Mar 30, 2021
In 2005, Dr. Shang helped my husband, relieving him of lower back pain. Alex was so grateful. And now, it's my turn. Dr. Shang treated me for neck pain two days ago. The pain has not returned despite chronic osteoarthritis. Dr. Shang makes no promises: he explained "we will manage" the neck pain. When I was 33, the late Benjamin Wong, M.D. gave me 13 acupuncture treatments for excruciating migraines. I'm 82 now and I've never had another migraine. I believe in acupuncture, and I believe in Dr. Shang, my next appt. is in a few days!
Reva Hill
Reva Hill
Oct 18, 2020
One of the best things that I ever have done is to start having treatments with John. He is so kind, caring, and so knowledgeable. After seeking much help for anxiety ang high blood pressure I have had amazing results. I highly recommend if you have any medical needs to call John. He has shown me that acupuncture truly works!
Julie Barnes
Julie Barnes
Jun 28, 2020
THE BEST DECISION I HAVE EVER MADE was to give Acupuncture a try. I’m 50 years old and had never tried it but i had so much pain in my hand from 30 years of working on a computer. The doctor thoroughly explained what he thought the problem was and how he could fix it. One visit. It took one visit and I’ve not had any pain at all in my hand since June. He was honest and told me it might take more than one visit - but it didn’t. We then worked in my migraines. I’ve had incredible success with that as well. BOTTOM LINE: Give. This. A. Try !!!! You will not regret it.
May 19, 2020
I found Ancient Acupuncture in 2019, the second year I tried to garden but failed due to allergies. Sinus Care relieved allergy symptoms and most importantly ended the debilitating lethargy that came with my allergies. I tripled the size of my garden plot that Fall to prepare for my 2020 garden. I was able to successfully work in the garden the entire 2020 season thanks to Sinus Care! Sinus Care stood me back on my feet: no nose bleeds, headaches, dizziness, or debilitating lethargy like I got from useless and ineffective OTC and prescription drugs that I have taken. I searched for over two decades
Destiny Kinal
Destiny Kinal
Aug 10, 2019
I have been using Jin Feng's herbal formulas for two decades, at least.
It took me totally by surprise when I went into a deep depression as I went into menopause. Maybe it was living in "The Valley" and maybe it was the challenge of starting my first novel, getting my MFA. Those all sound like uppers, right? But I had never suffered from depression and I am a person for whom pharmaceuticals have too many side effects.
So for ten years while I went in one end a fertile woman and came out the other an elder, I took Happy Mood. Then everything evened out and I stopped and did fine.
But THEN my