Our classes are open to all skill levels from beginner to national level competitor and all ages from 6 to 80 (kids classes are held separately). Judo is an exceptional form of exercise for the mind, body and spirit as well as self defense. Judo is also a lot of fun! To learn more about our dojo and about Judo, please browse through the site. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about us or about Judo, at 272-2130.
Kodokan Judo is a Japanese martial art that is known for its spectacular throwing and grappling techniques. It emphasizes the use of upsetting your opponents balance as way of defeating strength. Judo is also the 2nd most popular sport in the world by participation and has been in the Olympics since 1964.
Therefore, though the child learns techniques that can be utilized for self defense, the main focus is cooperation and reason, not fighting. Judo teaches children to become comfortable in their growing bodies and to respect the places they live, work, and train. Judo also benefits a student's flexibility, physical endurance, self-confidence, concentration, and discipline.
For those of you that don't know, I work in law enforcement. The hours are long and, being in the business of watching people, you get to see some pretty interesting things. A few months back, while keeping an eye on a house, a co-worker and I sat there and watched some random guy doing a poor job of trying to parallel park down in New York City.