I am delighted to share my favorite recipes, and stories along with inspirational guidance to help you on your journey of wellness and nutritional healing. Hope you have a nice stay! After working in the field of clinical nutrition for over 25 years, I've come to realize that every person has the answers within themselves to feel better.
It's about learning how to observe, listen without judgement to what your body is telling you, and then be willing to make the recommended changes which in turn will help you to feel better. As a nutritionist, I see my role as someone who guides, educates and supports you throughout your own personal journey of eating healthier, changing behaviors that no longer serve you, and having an enriching and meaningful relationship with food.
It's about learning how to observe, listen without judgement to what your body is telling you, and then be willing to make the recommended changes which in turn will help you to feel better. As a nutritionist, I see my role as someone who guides, educates and supports you throughout your own personal journey of eating healthier, changing behaviors that no longer serve you, and having an enriching and meaningful relationship with food.
I am delighted to share my favorite recipes, and stories along with inspirational guidance to help you on your journey of wellness and nutritional healing. Hope you have a nice stay! Nutritional counseling takes into consideration your present eating patterns, lifestyle, emotional and social needs, environmental and cultural preferences, and your personal goals.
I am delighted to share my favorite recipes, and stories along with inspirational guidance to help you on your journey of wellness and nutritional healing. Hope you have a nice stay! Having completed her Master's thesis on "Vitamin B-6 in Prementrual Syndrome" at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Michelle brings her expertise to this seminar.
I am delighted to share my favorite recipes, and stories along with inspirational guidance to help you on your journey of wellness and nutritional healing. Hope you have a nice stay! I was trained at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, and have been practicing clinical nutrition for over 25 years.
Reviews (2)
Alice H.
Nov 17, 2017
I've been a client of Michelle's for years and I cannot recommend her enough. I was initially recommended to her by my family doctor for eating disorder treatment. No matter how I'm feeling when I go into her office, I always leave feeling refreshed and optimistic. Not only does she have endless suggestions for healthier fulfilling meals & snacks, she listened to my story and got to the root of where and why my relationship with food went wrong. She is incredibly intuitive and gives advice that is tailor-made for me. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for expert guidance
Deedee G.
Sep 17, 2017
I have met with Ms Berman for 3 sessions and have already lost weight and learning new skills to manage my eating issues. For the fist time in many many years I have found someone one that is not just handing me a diet program but is really focused on food and my relationship with food. MIchelle is welcoming and spends her time working on a program just for you. It's not a quick fix and requires commitment. She is thorough and considerate. I am thrilled with my progress In a short time and recommend her highly to anyone with weight or any type of food issues.