What is Esoteric Acupuncture? Most people think Esoteric Acupuncture is merely another form of acupuncture treatment. Practitioners may be interested in which acupuncture points to use and how to sequence the needling of those acupuncture sites. Those who are newly introduced to Esoteric Acupuncture may be impressed with the various geometric patterns.
Esoteric Acupuncture is not merely another form of acupuncture treatment. Esoteric Acupuncture defines a "way of life." This way of life emphasizes the awakening and expansion of our spiritual center (not the same as religions). This way of life includes the importance of understanding the vibrational frequencies of the foods and drinks we ingest.
Esoteric Acupuncture is not merely another form of acupuncture treatment. Esoteric Acupuncture defines a "way of life." This way of life emphasizes the awakening and expansion of our spiritual center (not the same as religions). This way of life includes the importance of understanding the vibrational frequencies of the foods and drinks we ingest.
Below is a list of Esoteric Acupuncture practitioners who have trained with Dr. Mikio Sankey and have requested authorization to teach Esoteric Acupuncture.
To be included in the teachers list, the professional practitioner must have completed both of the following 2-part Intensive Esoteric Acupuncture Workshops in Boulder, Colorado: 1 the Esoteric Acupuncture 4-Day Intensive Foundations Workshop and the Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced 4-Day Intensive Workshop, plus must have taken the Advanced Intensive at least twice.
To be included in the teachers list, the professional practitioner must have completed both of the following 2-part Intensive Esoteric Acupuncture Workshops in Boulder, Colorado: 1 the Esoteric Acupuncture 4-Day Intensive Foundations Workshop and the Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced 4-Day Intensive Workshop, plus must have taken the Advanced Intensive at least twice.
The list of practitioners include both licensed acupuncturist and non acupuncturist. If the practitioner is not a licensed acupuncturist, then his or her modality (modalities) will be listed. If no modalities are listed, that practitioner is a licensed acupuncturist.
If you are looking for an Esoteric Acupuncture practitioner, make sure the practitioner understands the intricacies of the energetics involved within the work and is not merely a technician who has memorized a few of the New Encoding Patterns.Web site: www.theblazomethod.com. I infuse acupuncture with acoustic instruments and voice to facilitate sacred inner journeys and healing.
If you are looking for an Esoteric Acupuncture practitioner, make sure the practitioner understands the intricacies of the energetics involved within the work and is not merely a technician who has memorized a few of the New Encoding Patterns.Web site: www.theblazomethod.com. I infuse acupuncture with acoustic instruments and voice to facilitate sacred inner journeys and healing.
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