Since 2008, RNS Auto Services has provided motorists in the Albuquerque, NM 87123 area with comprehensive auto repair services that include 4x4 Services, AC Repair, Alignment, Brakes, Car & Truck Care, Domestic Cars & Trucks, Electrical Services, Electronic Services, Engine & Transmission, Engine Maintenance, General Services, Heating and Cooling Services, Import Cars & Trucks, Inspections and Emissions, Miscellaneous Services, Quick Lube Services, Tires, Towing, Transmission Services and Undercar Services.
According to recent studies, 5 percent of all motor vehicle fatalities are clearly caused by automobile maintenance neglect. Change your oil and oil filter as specified in your manual, or more often (every 3,000 miles) if you make frequent short jaunts, extended trips with lots of luggage or tow a trailer.
RNS Auto Services is a full-service preventive maintenance and auto repairs center in the Albuquerque, NM 87123 area, specializing in 4x4 Services, AC Repair, Alignment, Brakes, Car & Truck Care, Domestic Cars & Trucks, Electrical Services, Electronic Services, Engine & Transmission, Engine Maintenance, General Services, Heating and Cooling Services, Import Cars & Trucks, Inspections and Emissions, Miscellaneous Services, Quick Lube Services, Tires, Towing, Transmission Services and Undercar Services since 2008.
To keep your vehicle running properly at all times, we offer a number of services in the Albuquerque, NM 87123 area that are carried out by our certified, expert auto service and repair technicians who have years of experience performing everything from oil changes to a complete engine overhaul.
We use high-tech diagnostic equipment to guarantee your vehicle is repaired and/or serviced correctly the first time around, and we only use the highest quality replacement parts, filters, oils, and components when it comes to your car.According to recent studies, 5 percent of all motor vehicle fatalities are clearly caused by automobile maintenance neglect.
We use high-tech diagnostic equipment to guarantee your vehicle is repaired and/or serviced correctly the first time around, and we only use the highest quality replacement parts, filters, oils, and components when it comes to your car.According to recent studies, 5 percent of all motor vehicle fatalities are clearly caused by automobile maintenance neglect.
We want to earn your business by earning your trust. We will keep the needs of you, our customer, first. We will advise you of any areas of concern that may be safety related or warrant re-inspection in the near future. After a thorough inspection on your vehicle, any required repairs will be discussed with you for your understanding and approval.
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