We will be performing system maintenance on 9/18 and 9/19 from 11:00PM to 3:00AM. During this time, Online/Mobile Banking may be unavailable or may not reflect real-time transactions and balances. We apologize for any inconvenience. We are happy to announce that Visa eZCard Info has been upgraded to provide an improved experience and additional functionality.
Dispute transactions directly from the detailed transaction information screen within eZCard Info.
Dispute transactions directly from the detailed transaction information screen within eZCard Info.
Maps are updated frequently and the information may be subject to change. The addresses given for branches are physical locations and may not reflect an accurate local mailing address. Please do not use these addresses to correspond with UVA Community Credit Union. Please use the information provided on the Contact Us page for any correspondence.
UVA Community Credit Union offers a variety of loans, with competitive interest rates and easy repayment terms. For the most financial security you can get while away from home, apply for our Credit Union Visa. Highly competitive interest rates on auto loans, up to 100 percent financing, and flexible loan terms.
If you haven't checked your credit report lately, the Credit Unions Care Foundation of Virginia and credit unions across the Commonwealth, including UVA Community Credit Union, want you to make this a priority. For more than a decade identity theft has been at the top of the Federal Trade Commission's list of complaints, and according to Javelin Strategy & Research, in 2017 over 16.7 million people were victims of identity fraud.
Banking is now even more convenient for you with UVA Community Credit Union Online Banking. Use your desktop, tablet, or smartphone-our online banking platform looks and functions the same no matter what. Deposit checks using your phone, send money to a friend, pay bills, and view statements. You can also access Financial Tools-your personal financial management tool-from any device, anywhere.
Financial Tools is a personal financial management tool designed to allow users of UVA Community Credit Union Online Banking to manage financial accounts including checking, savings, credit cards, loans, and investments attached to multiple financial institutions, all in the convenience of one safe and secure online site.
Reviews (9)
Mike Kropf
Jan 17, 2022
Christian Williams
Dec 28, 2021
Richard Austin
Nov 15, 2021
Ig J.
Oct 30, 2021
Beside email, txt and phone calls they regularly use, they were unable to contact me to update my address. Instead, they have been sneaking a $5 fee every month from a saving account that see no other traffic. I caught them in time or they would drain my inactive account into overdraft and charge another fee. UVACCU has nothing to do with COMMUNITY. Find a real bank that will have to earn your business.
Anna S.
Jul 14, 2021
Willow Earth
Dec 17, 2020
Liked them about 10 years ago. Now they've changed way too much- this feels and acts as a bank instead of a credit union. They slowly have hiked up fees and have introduced policies that benefit the bank over the member. The customer service tellers are not knowledgeable and read from scripts. At times they just repeat the same scripted line when asked a follow up question. Now suddenly they have started to hold my deposits for longer amounts of time. I use instant cashout for doordash. Thats always meant that i pay money to have instant access to my own money. Now suddenly starting a few days
Roy Cornwell
Aug 09, 2020
I was affected by an layoff from.work due to COVD-19 and I spoke to them in March 2020 regarding doing an deferment on my 2019 Dodge Grand Van loan and they granted it by the phone conversation and sent me the paperwork to my home address and I mailed it back to them with both myself and wife signatures. Well the following month, they sent me a late notice for the payment and when I called them, they completely denied ever speaking to me and ever receiving any paperwork back. A Credit Union should never operate that way. Everyone - Please be aware this could happen to you. We do not need extra
Roscell Clark
Jul 08, 2019
I used to really like this bank for the simplicity of it but now I believe I'm seeing their true colors. They happily charge me many overdraft fees and refuse to give me overdraft protection even though I have always put money back in to cover it and have had the account for 7 years. It's to the point where I feel I am being taken advantage of just for falling on hard times.
Scott Baird
Aug 12, 2014
My wife and I were in the market for a used car. We had used big banks (Capital One, Wells Fargo) for other car loans in the past and wanted to give our support to local business this time. We walked into the credit union to apply but there were no loan officers in the branch, even though it was the middle of the day. We were told we would have to apply online and then someone would contact us within 24 hours.
We applied online and waited. After nearly 72 hours with no phone call, we contacted the bank and were told that our loan had been approved. A week later we decided on the car we wanted
We applied online and waited. After nearly 72 hours with no phone call, we contacted the bank and were told that our loan had been approved. A week later we decided on the car we wanted