Nazineh Huff, MD
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Nazineh Huff, MD
Nazineh Huff, MD is a psychiatrist practicing in Marin county. She offers individual psychotherapy and management of medications in a personalized, small private practice. Dr. Huff (she/her) believes strongly in empowering patients to participate in their care. Her approach with therapy is direct and action-focused, influenced by psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral and mindfulness based cognitive therapies.

When medications are appropriate, Dr. Huff is happy to collaboratively explore options, answer questions and be available for concerns that may arise. Areas of clinical interest include management of mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder; anxiety disorders such as panic and OCD; and helping women dealing with infertility as well as those who are pregnant or postpartum.
Please call or email to set up a complimentary phone consultation to answer preliminary questions and arrange an initial appointment. The first session is a comprehensive evaluation lasting 75-90 minutes, including time for necessary paperwork. You are encouraged to complete initial forms before the visit so that more time can be dedicated to discussing your care.
Time spent towards your care outside sessions will be billed at the hourly rate of $400, prorated to the quarter hour. Dr. Huff does not accept insurance or work with a billing service. Payment may be submitted by cash, check, any major credit card or your HSA debit card. A detailed receipt can be provided to submit to your insurance for reimbursement if you have a PPO or other plan that allows you to see Out of Network providers.
Reviews (8)
Susan Halperin
Susan Halperin
Sep 28, 2019
Dr Huff is caring, compassionate and an all around very good psychiatrist. I’ve found her to always be on time for our appointment. She also has a good sense of humor when appropriate, but at the same time Is extremely professional. She has helped me through some very very tough times.
Annette N.
Annette N.
Jan 15, 2019
I went to Dr. Huff for help dealing with a problematic family member. Within a short time, Dr. Huff gave me new tools to deal with this person, made me see how I was contributing to the problem, and really brought about a whole shift in my attitude. I came to see the relationship in a whole new light, and my struggles became a thing of the past. Dr. Huff is very skilled, and a lovely person. I would recommend her highly.
Sepi R.
Sepi R.
Oct 12, 2016
I started seeing Dr.Huff about 3 years ago. She is very compassionate and can empathize with your pain and difficulties. She would make me feel comfortable to share my opinion about my medications. She would listen to my concern regarding my medication and then make any changes if necessary. She would make me feel like that we are in a partnership in regard to achieving our goal of me becoming healthy minded.
Excellent psychiatrist! Highly recommend!
Laura C.
Laura C.
Aug 13, 2015
I went to Dr. Huff for about a year, and only switched because of a change in health insurance.

I found her to be very knowledgeable in medications and was able to quell my fears about starting a new med. She was a great mix of challenging me in reaching just a little beyond my comfort zone to change negative patterns, but also willing to regroup if our plan was just too scary.

In short, I'm a fan!
Kj F.
Kj F.
Jul 15, 2013
She's been a literal life saver. She has a great bedside demeanor, very professional, caring and has a great reputation in the broader medical community. I am so glad that I happened to have found her.
Jay L.
Jay L.
Nov 15, 2012
Dr. Nezhad Huff has been great! I feel that when I speak to her she is not just hearing me, but listening and not judging. I find her easy to speak to and she genuinely shows compassion and care. Her calm demeanor and soft spoken manner is very relaxing and comforting. I trust Dr. Nezhad Huff 100% she is an amazing doctor and a great listener.
S. C. H.
S. C. H.
Sep 12, 2012
Yeah I don't agree with the negative review below either. Have seen Dr. Nezhad multiple times and find her amazingly compassionate and very knowledgable.
She is a Psychiatrist and that mainly extends to medication formulation. Just when I had given up regarding depression I was help incredibly by this woman.

I think she is fantastic, kind and very keen.
Robert K.
Robert K.
May 31, 2012
Horrible bedside manner. Not sure why she went into a helping profession such as this. Serious lack of knowledge concerning psychiatric conditions and treatment. During all my visits with her, she seemed to want to work against me rather than with me. She has done a lot more harm than good with me. Extremely unprofessional. Needs her license revoked. All the staff at Community Psychiatry are incompetent and heartless. Avoid at all costs.