Nova ABC Medical Weight Loss Program is an affordable, non-surgical option to motivate, educate and exercise you toward successful weight loss and management. Our staff, led by Dr William McCarthy, is dedicated to providing you with all the weight loss and weight management educational, and behavioral tools you will need to meet your goals.
Our physician, Dr McCarthy, has long been recognized as a leader in the field of obesity medicine. Dr McCarthy is both a educator and much sought after speaker for professionals in this important field of medicine. In 2012 he won the prestigious Steelman-Seim Educator award for outstanding work in the education of other professionals in the field of obesity medicine.
Our physician, Dr McCarthy, has long been recognized as a leader in the field of obesity medicine. Dr McCarthy is both a educator and much sought after speaker for professionals in this important field of medicine. In 2012 he won the prestigious Steelman-Seim Educator award for outstanding work in the education of other professionals in the field of obesity medicine.
Our mission at Nova ABC is to help our patients maximize their health, fitness, energy and well-being by attaining and maintaining healthy weight loss without surgery or invasive procedures. At Nova ABC we utilize proven, safe and effective methods to help you lose weight and keep it off. As a trained physican, Dr McCarthy is not limited to a particular diet or program, but can adjust your therapy based upon your personal and medical needs.
Dr McCarthy offers a variety of medically supervised weight loss programs to fit your individual needs. You will not be asked to attend a high pressure sales pitch or sign a long-term contract. We want you to join our program because you find it to be the best suited for your needs. Unlike many other "physician directed programs", Dr McCarthy will see you at every appointment.
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