Ellen Anderson-Winn and Steven Winn are clinical psychotherapists practicing in Fair Oaks. They are graduates of the Marriage, Family and Child Counseling program at Loma Linda University, and are licensed Marriage, Family and Child Counselors in California. Ellen specializes in grief and loss issues, life transitions, and works with children as well as adults.
Steven is also a Doctor of Public Health. He specializes in stress management and personal health behavior change, as well as adolescent problems and marital issues. Steve and Ellen also offer team therapy with couples and families. Service to our community by helping people grow in response to their life problems, and maintaining balance in our own lives are the founding principles for Town & Country Psychotherapy.
Steven is also a Doctor of Public Health. He specializes in stress management and personal health behavior change, as well as adolescent problems and marital issues. Steve and Ellen also offer team therapy with couples and families. Service to our community by helping people grow in response to their life problems, and maintaining balance in our own lives are the founding principles for Town & Country Psychotherapy.
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