Thank you for taking the time to check out our web site. My name is Dr. Kirk Brown and I have been in practice for over 30 years. The purpose of this web site is to introduce you to our practice in a very concise and simple way. Chiropractic has certainly become very popular over the years as a method of re-gaining health for many conditions.
If you will follow the links, you will find the details of many conditions we routinely treat with great success. If you wish, you can find out how chiropractic treatment changed the course of my life and drove me to seek a career in the chiropractic field. Or, you can go straight to the pages that apply to your specific needs.
If you will follow the links, you will find the details of many conditions we routinely treat with great success. If you wish, you can find out how chiropractic treatment changed the course of my life and drove me to seek a career in the chiropractic field. Or, you can go straight to the pages that apply to your specific needs.
We tailor our examination to the patient's needs. Our typical examination may involve orthopedic and neurological testing, range of motion testing, palpation, muscle testing and reflex testing. If required, we refer our patients to various local facilities for further testing such as MRI Scans, CT scans, etc.
My mom and I had just left our physician's office for probably the 20th time as I had been plagued by neck and low back problems since I was a child. This time it was a lower back flare up and he always said the same thing; Kirk is tough and he'll be fine because he just strained his back. Give him some Tylenol and he'll be okay in a couple weeks.
In the nearly 10 years that we have been utilizing this technology we have seen many patients receive remarkable results in the elimination of their allergy and sensitivity symptoms. We receive many questions about this technology, and although we welcome any question you may have, we are attempting to answer many of the questions we get asked before they arise.
Chiropractic is basically a natural system for restoring health. Your brain coordinates and controls all function in your body. The brain communicates with all structures in the body by means of the spinal cord and the many nerves that exit through openings between the spinal bones (vertebrae). Stress affects all people and can be inflicted upon us in many ways.
If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident you need to understand that you should not delay being examined. Insurance companies are typically involved after accidents of this kind and there are usually time frames that need to be adhered to in order to assure compensation for your injuries as well as for damage to the vehicles involved.