Ser is an artisanal winery based out of Santa Cruz, CA, specializing in varietal, vineyard designate, old world style wines, produced in a natural way to allow the expression of their varietal character and the vineyards from which they are sourced. I was inspired for the name, Ser, after reading an article by Andrew Jefford, 'Wine and Astonishment'.
It was in that writing that the notion of the 'Being' of wine truly resonated with me. Being is different than existing. It is true, wine exists; you can touch it, smell it, drink it. To quote Jefford, "Being, by contrast, is the 'isness' inside"; in other words, the natural essence of the grapes unique to each specific growing area.
It was in that writing that the notion of the 'Being' of wine truly resonated with me. Being is different than existing. It is true, wine exists; you can touch it, smell it, drink it. To quote Jefford, "Being, by contrast, is the 'isness' inside"; in other words, the natural essence of the grapes unique to each specific growing area.
Defined from Spanish, "Ser" means to express origin or identity; to have the intrinsic quality of. As owner and winemaker of Ser Winery, I am committed to producing wines that express their classic varietal character and the unique places from which they come. Exclusive invitations to winemaker dinners, private tastings & events with owner/winemaker Nicole.