Shearson Financial Services LLC is a value oriented investment firm focusing on a broad range of securities and insurance products. Our approach in seeking value is comprehensive, with an emphasis on risk aversion being a primary focus. For all investments we independently value each security before concluding our investment decisions.
As a general rule for our bond accounts, broad diversification is primary. We invest only in investment grade instruments. For our equity accounts we focus on a limited number of securities that we believe have a compelling value. We employ fundamental and technical reviews of these positions on a regular basis.
As a general rule for our bond accounts, broad diversification is primary. We invest only in investment grade instruments. For our equity accounts we focus on a limited number of securities that we believe have a compelling value. We employ fundamental and technical reviews of these positions on a regular basis.
On average, Social Security provides just under 40% of retirement income. That leaves the major portion - 60% of a retiree's income - that must be carefully chosen from various investment vehicles. And the majority of Americans in the current workforce express that they are not very confident that Social Security benefits in the future will be equal to those today.