I have a feeling that my boat has struck, down there in the depths, against a great thing. And nothing happens! Nothing. Silence. Waves. Or has everything happened, and are we standing now, quietly, in the new life? At times when we are unhappy, suffer, or struggle, the question naturally arises: how may we "stand quietly in [a] new life"?
Or how can we help change happen, and what can help make a difference? Mindful therapy - therapy grounded both in the body and non-judgmental awareness, can be a very powerful vehicle for change. Learn more about Mindful Psychotherapy. My therapeutic approach is grounded in mindfulness and creates a therapeutic atmosphere that is very engaged, experiential, and collaborative.
Or how can we help change happen, and what can help make a difference? Mindful therapy - therapy grounded both in the body and non-judgmental awareness, can be a very powerful vehicle for change. Learn more about Mindful Psychotherapy. My therapeutic approach is grounded in mindfulness and creates a therapeutic atmosphere that is very engaged, experiential, and collaborative.
I have been working as a therapist in private practice in the Castro District of San Francisco for over 15 years. I came to become a therapist after working as a staff person on Capital Hill in Washington, D.C. and then later working in business after earning an MBA degree.
I am a graduate of the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco which honors and values different ways of knowing and healing from various cultures and traditions.In addition to being well trained in traditional western psychotherapy, my work is also informed by various spiritual traditions including Buddhism and shamanism.
I am a graduate of the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco which honors and values different ways of knowing and healing from various cultures and traditions.In addition to being well trained in traditional western psychotherapy, my work is also informed by various spiritual traditions including Buddhism and shamanism.
Mindful therapy looks to the part of ourselves that observes our entire experience without judgment or criticism. For centuries contemplative spiritual traditions have recognized the value of making contact with what which we now call our inner observer. The place within us that can recognize we are having a thought, for example, but at the same time observe ourselves as more than just a thought.
Couples often come into therapy with awareness of having lost a sense of connection to one another. This loss often manifests as not feeling understood by one another, leading increasingly separate lives, and / or regular questioning of whether the relationship can endure. During these times, it is extremely difficult to be in such a relationship and see clearly what is not working and how established patterns may be contributing to the problem.
Everyone comes into this world to hold onto some gate, with some role to make his or her position sacred. Without it, there's no relevance. And with it, life takes on a new meaning. In the indigenous culture of the Dagara in West Africa, gay and lesbian people are held in high esteem as gatekeepers.
If you think you might want to work with me, I am available for an initial phone consultation to answer any questions you may have before making an appointment. In general, however, I do believe an in person initial appointment is quite useful and the best way to determine if I will be a good fit for you.
Reviews (2)
Storm A.
Jun 25, 2014
Easea G.
May 09, 2013
My partner and I had several sessions together with Scott over the past year to work through some difficulties that we faced in our long term relationship. There is no doubt that we benefited a great deal from Scott's counseling and insights. Without taking sides, Scott helped us to reconnect with each other by listening to each other more actively and by focusing on our own behaviors rather than those of the other. There was a point in our relationship when I did not think we were going to make it together, and I felt helpless to do anything about it. With Scott's guidance, we have a