It was one day, as I was sitting with a client in a small, windowless room in the ER that it hit me - this wasn't a great environment in which to expect someone to open up and talk. Sitting in a small room with someone staring at you, and the pressure is on to. SHARE. Well, I might not feel much like talking either.
When I began thinking of times in the past when I've been able to really open up and talk. it dawned on me - We needed to get outside and go for a stroll! Now going for a walk during therapy isn't for everyone and during some parts of therapy, or if you're interested in EMDR (see below), it may be preferable to remain in the office.
When I began thinking of times in the past when I've been able to really open up and talk. it dawned on me - We needed to get outside and go for a stroll! Now going for a walk during therapy isn't for everyone and during some parts of therapy, or if you're interested in EMDR (see below), it may be preferable to remain in the office.
How many times I've wished that I could wave a magic wand to help someone feel better. Unfortunately, I haven't yet discovered magic, so you'll have to be willing to do a bit of work with me. What you get out of therapy is due in large part to what you are willing to put into it. Our first visit will be a time for us to ask questions in order to get to know each other a bit.
We will discuss this at your first visit, but typically I email invoices via Paypal. I can also accept payment by credit card, check or cash at the time of our visits if preferred. I take American Express, Visa, MasterCard and Discover. You can also make payments via paypal below.
As many insurance companies unfortunately have either reduced their mental health benefits, imposed significant restrictions, or have done away with coverage all together, I have chosen instead to offer a lower rate.If you have insurance coverage for mental health services, I encourage you to check with your insurance provider regarding the possibility of reimbursement through your out-of-network benefits.
As many insurance companies unfortunately have either reduced their mental health benefits, imposed significant restrictions, or have done away with coverage all together, I have chosen instead to offer a lower rate.If you have insurance coverage for mental health services, I encourage you to check with your insurance provider regarding the possibility of reimbursement through your out-of-network benefits.
Reviews (1)
Micah Mitlyng
Jul 16, 2018