We took the best features of both a studio gym and a fitness center and put it all under one roof. At Telos Fitness we have lockers/showers, childcare and all the equipment you need to reach your fitness goals. We also program workouts for each day, so you know exactly what to do when you walk through the doors.
Lastly, we have an awesome community that rallies behind and supports you in your fitness journey. Or do you ever get "stuck" doing the same machine because you don't know how to do other ones?. Do you ever feel that the workouts/classes you are doing are getting mundane/monotonous or don't leave you feeling sore anymore?.
Lastly, we have an awesome community that rallies behind and supports you in your fitness journey. Or do you ever get "stuck" doing the same machine because you don't know how to do other ones?. Do you ever feel that the workouts/classes you are doing are getting mundane/monotonous or don't leave you feeling sore anymore?.
The philosophy behind our workouts is to take you beyond general fitness into success in whatever your individuals goal may be. Whether you want to hike a mountain, run a 5k, do a spartan race, lift more weight, prevent injury, or just feel more comfortable with the way you look, our workouts are perfect for you.
CrossFit is a well-planned training regimen that prepares the body for the unexpected and the unknown. It is the "sport of fitness." Where all sports train for their specific modality (for example marathon runners train for long distance running), CrossFit is the sport that 'cross' pollinates training of every sport, aka it's the "sport of ALL sports."
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