Ding's Acupuncture & Herbs
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Acupuncture is a safe and effective form of medical treatment. Through the insertion of fine, hair-thin needles into points along energetic pathways, called channels or meridians, the subtle energies of the body can be rebalanced. The goal of acupuncture is to identify areas of excess stagnation and areas of weakness and redistribute the Qi, or vital energy.

Choosing which points to needle involves understanding the functions of each individual point, the pattern of the disharmony, and the best way of addressing that pattern on that given day. At Ding's Acupuncture, Massage & Herbs, we only use disposable, sterilized stainless steel needles of fine diameter (less than.30mm).
Acupuncture is a safe and effective form of medical treatment. Through the insertion of fine, hair-thin needles into points along energetic pathways, called channels or meridians, the subtle energies of the body can be rebalanced.

Auriculotherapy, Chinese food therapy, Chinese herbal medicine, Cupping, Die-da or Tieh Ta, Gua Sha, Moxibustion, Physical Qigong exercises such as Tai chi chuan (Taijiquan), Standing Meditation, Yoga, Brocade BaDuanJin exercises and other Chinese martial arts, Qigong and related breathing and meditation exercise and Tui na massage.
Reviews (9)
David Ritchey
David Ritchey
Dec 24, 2021
What a wonderful visit! I received an acupuncture and cupping treatment, that I received as a Groupon gift. I was seen by Lei Ding, Licensed Herbalist, Acupuncture & Massage Therapist. She was so professional, friendly and I really enjoyed my visit. Highly recommend. Thank you Lei!
Stress Coast
Stress Coast
Apr 01, 2021
Amazing work/human; very thankful she is around to help people! I already feel much better after a few visits and plan on coming regularly!
Annie Wang
Annie Wang
Mar 02, 2021
Highly recommend, she’s an expert in her field and her treatment is very effective. I’ve seen many acupuncturists before but Dr. Ding is one of the sharpest. She was able to pinpoint my condition immediate. Don’t be put off by her personality which is very direct and straight forward.
Alexander Bayley
Alexander Bayley
Dec 27, 2020
I went in for a variety of pains and found that she was very comprehensive. The acupuncture and cupping was really great, and then she also addressed helpful stretches and lifestyle changes.
Diorella C.
Diorella C.
May 14, 2020
GREAT ACUPUNCTURIST! VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE! Definitely recommend! Haven’t had cupping in a decade! Got compliments after. Felt rejuvenated! She takes insurance! Cannot wait to be back!
Thabata Regiani
Thabata Regiani
Nov 10, 2018
I really enjoyed my session at Dings! Lei is really knowledgeable, and great to talk to. She was thorough in her explanations and explained every step of the treatment. I am not new to acupuncture, but never tried the cupping technique - and I really appreciate it. She does juggles two patients at a time, but I don't mind because I love the quiet relaxation time while I have the needles on.
Try it out with the Groupon and see it for yourself, it is definitely worth it!
Caitlin Vaughn
Caitlin Vaughn
Nov 19, 2017
Lei is so welcoming and kind! I admit I was nervous about my first acupuncture treatment, but she made me feel very comfortable while we talked through my health issues and she explained the treatments. So far, I've had positive results!
Linna Ritch
Linna Ritch
Jun 04, 2016
I have found Ding's Acupuncture to be very helpful in addressing my neck and back pain, stress and general well being. Her advice makes sense and when followed has shown results. I always feel relaxed yet energized after my sessions. I highly recommend her services.
Shawn LeProwse
Shawn LeProwse
Oct 30, 2015
I have been suffering from pinched nerve in my back. I had injections, surgery, and still no relief. Finally, I had heard good things from my sons soccer buddies about using acupuncture to speed healing. I decided to give it a try. I met with Dr Ding and she took the time to evaluate my situation and come up with a treatment plan. She gave me some stretching exercises to go along with the treatment. After 4-5 visits I had seen more progress than over a year of trying doctors and physical therapy. Acupuncture works and I recommend Dings to all my friends.
Dr Ding has a relaxed office which is clean