(21) (21)
(330) 492-3420
In order to assure you are getting the test your physician requires, it is important that you have the order. Please contact your physician to obtain an order so you can be scheduled properly. Here's your guide to finding any of the facilities in the Aultman family of health services, including maps and contacts.
Aultman Medical Group's network of
Jenna Ellis —
I just spent 6 days here and was highly impressed with the whole staff. Every nurse was so kind and attentive, as were the

(10) (10)
(330) 493-4553
We continue to provide all services, including psychiatry and medication management, individual counseling, case management, and nursing, including diagnostic assessments. Services, including medication management, will be provided via telephone during your regularly scheduled appointment. You can call for your appointment from home, or you can come
Brandon Lewis LewisUnbroken —
As I have just stopped services there I feel safe to leave my review: this place has extremely shady practices as well as
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