Careful financial control, operating the condominium association to maximize the benefits of every operating dollar spent. Provide every service possible within the management fee, such as taking the minutes and filing the income tax 1120H form for free, to save money for the association. The building of an adequate reserve fund.
Keeping the Board well-informed via email about issues, information, and correspondence, so that their time in Board meetings is well-spent. Responding to each homeowner call as an opportunity to help the caller. Keep the President or other Board member(s) informed of the results of each property tour and the status of all maintenance.
Keeping the Board well-informed via email about issues, information, and correspondence, so that their time in Board meetings is well-spent. Responding to each homeowner call as an opportunity to help the caller. Keep the President or other Board member(s) informed of the results of each property tour and the status of all maintenance.