Whether you're a tenant who is just looking for a place to live or a homeowner who is just looking for a way to maximize your return on investment, Town N Ranch Realty & Property Management is here to help. If you're in the San Diego area, we can bring our unique, customer-focused brand of property management to your doorstep (both proverbially and literally) to help you achieve the types of results that you've always dreamed of.
If you want to buy a home in the San Diego area or are just looking for the right place to live for you and your family, you need Town N Ranch Realty & Property Management. As property management professionals, we've gotten to know our service area well in the decades that we've been in this business.
Finding the right place to live is a lot more difficult than it may seem. You don't just have to worry about the home in question - you also have to worry about the property management company or landlord that owns the property. If your air conditioning suddenly shuts off on a hot summer day and you can't figure out why, are you going to be able to reach hand over of house keysyour landlord to take care of the problem?
Qualifying is done with a credit check to verify how you meet other financial obligations. We check to see if there are any collections outstanding from previous landlords or utility companies. Previous rental history is checked to determine if payment was made as agreed and property was properly maintained.
Many people don't realize just how time consuming owning a piece of investment property is until they're already well into the thick of it. It isn't just about buying when the market is low and finding the right person or family to rent to - there's also a great deal more than that. You have to know exactly how to market a property, for example, to help it stand out against every other home on the market at the same time.
View your financial statements, access shared documents, and set up your online payment options. The online Owner Portal streamlines communication, protects your investment, and helps you maximize the value of your properties. Make and receive payments from the mobile-friendly Online Portal. Directly send funds for owner contributions, including emergency maintenance repairs, renovations, or reserves via eCheck or Debit Card.
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