We have many unique and helpful searches. For example, you can search by region, but exclude specific neighborhoods. You can search a specific distance from any property, or from popular locations such as military bases and beaches. You can search by Seller's Office Name or Buyer's Office Name, Sold Days on Market, Sold Ratio, and Sold Date.
We even allow searching the listing agent's remarks for specific keywords such as vacation, rental, fixer-upper, or anything else you can think of. Only a status of "Active" is available for sale. If it is not Active you might want to add it to your Watch List to see if it becomes Active again. The property is in escrow and they are not showing the property anymore.
We even allow searching the listing agent's remarks for specific keywords such as vacation, rental, fixer-upper, or anything else you can think of. Only a status of "Active" is available for sale. If it is not Active you might want to add it to your Watch List to see if it becomes Active again. The property is in escrow and they are not showing the property anymore.
Over the last year we listed 181 homes, which is 1.4 homes listed every other business day. After they view your property they will provide comparables and a suggested price range based on their firsthand knowledge of your property. At first, I was apprehensive about using your company at first since I have never met your team in-person, but after everything was set and done, it was an easy and pleasant experience.
Over the last year, we listed 181 homes, which is 1.4 homes listed every other business day. Hundreds of sellers in 2021 will have used the $3,500 Flat Fee Selling option to sell fast for less commission. The $3,500 commission you pay us comes out of your proceeds at closing, so if you do not close you pay us nothing.
Monthly Housing Statistics and Local Market Updates produced in PDF format by the Honolulu Board of Realtors. Search OahuRE.com for both Single Family and Condo/Townhouse Stats. Group the stats by Day, Week, Month, Quarter, or Year. Filter by Region, Price, Neighborhood, or Building. Also, we do not use charts so we can show hundreds of results in table format at one time, even on a mobile phone.
Understanding the Hawaii Purchase Contract - an explanation for all the important paragraphs on the Hawaii Purchase Contract. Recommended Companies - recommendations include Photographers, Lenders, Home Inspectors, Termite Inspectors, 1031 Exchange, Structural Engineer, Property Management, Attorneys, Cleaners and more.
Honolulu MLS Summary - Single Family Summary * Condo Summary - view a complete summary for each Region of sales, including Active, In Escrow, Sold, etc. Click any Region to view a complete summary for all the Neighborhoods or Buildings in that Region. Sold Over Asking Price - learn how many homes are selling for over asking, including the dollar amount, the percentage, and what type of loan was used.
Reviews (8)
Patricia C.
Nov 28, 2021
Randy H.
Jun 16, 2021
We just completed our third home transaction with OahuRE. We couldn't be happier. First thing is affordability. Houses cost enough. OahuRE has pricing levels for sellers and rebates for buyers. Their website is hands down the best in the islands and it adapts to whatever depth of information you want - from quick searches to deep dives on property history, comps, and tax info. The client care team makes the paperwork process easy when you're putting in offers or moving through the buying/selling steps. We use the amazing team of Tom Malloy and Don Phrompeng for our transactions. They
Michael D.
Nov 07, 2019
Bryn and his team are absolutely stellar!
In our case we did not secure a buyer but since essentially we were selling "by owner" with OahuRE's program for this it has to do with us.
Bryn and his team are a rare breed in this day and age. They offer prompt, professional communications every step of the way AND have a very well thought out easy to follow guides for those attempting to sell by owner.
OahuRE pricing model and listing agreement with sellers is very fair.
In our case we did not secure a buyer but since essentially we were selling "by owner" with OahuRE's program for this it has to do with us.
Bryn and his team are a rare breed in this day and age. They offer prompt, professional communications every step of the way AND have a very well thought out easy to follow guides for those attempting to sell by owner.
OahuRE pricing model and listing agreement with sellers is very fair.
Jackson L.
Nov 07, 2019
We are so impressed with the sell for 2500 option, it saved us so much money on closing costs! The process was very simple and we were able to find a buyer and close using the OahuRE Client Care team to support us through the process. We would definitely recommend this company to anyone looking to buy or sell a home on Oahu. Thank you Bryn and the entire OahuRE team!
Miho W.
Dec 15, 2017
About nine years ago, when I lived in California, I found OahuRE's website. At that time, my English was very limited. I did not understand the written information; I just watched the perfectly organized website. This was a kind of training for me, as I had plans to have a vacation house in Hawaii.
Language problems stood in my way and working online only was too difficult for me at that time. So, I found a Japanese real estate agent and bought a Condotel in Hawaii.
Even after moving to Hawaii, I checked the OahuRE site almost daily.
Their website presents a screen that is better organized
Language problems stood in my way and working online only was too difficult for me at that time. So, I found a Japanese real estate agent and bought a Condotel in Hawaii.
Even after moving to Hawaii, I checked the OahuRE site almost daily.
Their website presents a screen that is better organized
Luis R.
Nov 26, 2017
The 4.5% commission is true! Trust me this can equals tens of thousands of dollars in savings especially in Hawaii. Brynn is spot on when he says the 4.5% is a reasonable commission for sales in Hawaii.
Some highlights as to how it works when selling your home below.
1. Everything is done via email. Except the open house. Lol. Seriously, docusign everything via email and then they have a mobile title company that will come out and have you sign your docs.
2. The agent will come out to your house with comps and discuss what you could possible get for your home. This is a free consultation
Some highlights as to how it works when selling your home below.
1. Everything is done via email. Except the open house. Lol. Seriously, docusign everything via email and then they have a mobile title company that will come out and have you sign your docs.
2. The agent will come out to your house with comps and discuss what you could possible get for your home. This is a free consultation
David R.
Jul 13, 2016
H. H.
Feb 20, 2016
OahuRE is outstanding! The OahuRE realtor with whom we worked had an outstanding knowledge of for what other units in the Waikiki building were selling and their condition. She made excellent suggestions on pricing, preparing for showing our flat, and how best to describe it. It sold within 6 days of listing. Each individual in this company with whom we worked was very responsive.
The experience was a bit unusual - at least compared with what we had been accustomed in the past - in that almost everything is done via email. It works!
The experience was a bit unusual - at least compared with what we had been accustomed in the past - in that almost everything is done via email. It works!