I began teaching yoga in 2001, after spending many years as a natural competitive bodybuilder. The years of lifting weights began to take a toll on my body, with shoulder and hip pain, so I went in search of an alternative to the "pumping iron" scene. I was so impressed with the positive effects yoga had on my life, not only physically, but mentally and spiritually as well, it became my passion to share this knowledge with others.
My themed classes offer a unique fusion of alignment, anatomy, and strength while delving into the deeper meaning of Yoga. I specialize in Therapeutic classes that target particular areas of the body or ailments, offering techniques and postures for healing. All my classes are conducted with a healthy dose of humor while cultivating a calm and centered mind.
My themed classes offer a unique fusion of alignment, anatomy, and strength while delving into the deeper meaning of Yoga. I specialize in Therapeutic classes that target particular areas of the body or ailments, offering techniques and postures for healing. All my classes are conducted with a healthy dose of humor while cultivating a calm and centered mind.
A practice that is suitable for all level student, offering modifications for beginning students or those with limitations, and more challenging poses for the more advanced student. A less strenuous form of yoga, designed for those recovering from injury, beginners, seniors, pregnancy, or anyone looking for a well rounded yoga practice that is less intense.
Anti-Arthritis Workshop~ We cannot cure arthritis, but we can learn techniques to improve quality of life. Art of Release~ Yoga teaches us ways we may be unconsciously holding tension in our bodies and techniques to release it. Awakening the Chakras~ Each chakra deals with particular areas of function, that together make up a complex set of energy.
On the physical level, yoga postures, called asanas, are designed to tone, strengthen, and align the body. These postures are performed to make the spine supple and healthy and to promote blood flow to all the organs, glands, and tissues, keeping all the bodily systems healthy. On the mental level, yoga uses breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation (dyana) to quiet, clarify, and discipline the mind.
A simple 12-minute meditation technique with significant brain-boosting and stress releasing benefits. Short tutorial on practicing Superbrain Yoga. Easy technique to sustain healthy brain function, maximize neural pathways in the brain, and balance left and right hemispheres of the brain.
The Vagus Nerves are a pair of cranial nerves that extend from the brain stem all the way to the internal organs, often referred to as the internal eye that connects mind and body.Learn the importance of these nerves and how to improve our vagal tone. Join me as we work the individual muscles comprising the core.
The Vagus Nerves are a pair of cranial nerves that extend from the brain stem all the way to the internal organs, often referred to as the internal eye that connects mind and body.Learn the importance of these nerves and how to improve our vagal tone. Join me as we work the individual muscles comprising the core.
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