Axe Capital Investments
The strategy of Axe Capital is to capitalize on distressed real estate assets. This is based on opportunities that produce attractive risk adjusted returns, by investing in a variety of real estate based assets nationwide. We focus on the Midwest and East Coast but do not limit ourselves to just those geographical areas. Axe Capital typically will purchase performing and nonperforming real estate loans (the "Mortgage Loans") secured primarily by owner and non-owner occupied residential properties.
Axe Capital help investors like you achieve double digit returns on your investment capital by strategically investing in performing, non performing and sub performing mortgage loans secured by residential properties. We analyze every loan stratically to achieve a win win situation for all involved in a transation.
Our portfolio consist of various types of single family residential assets. The assets range from single family, condiminums, 2-4 unit multi-family residences. Our focus is the Midwest and Southeastern parts of the United States. Axe Capital Investments has plans to expand its portfolio and investment profile by investing in commercial assets in the near future.
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