Hamburg Cove Yacht Club
The club was founded in 1946, and has an active, volunteer membership of approximately 150 members and families. Its a self-run organization and relies on its membership for all its activities on the water and at its beautiful new clubhouse, renovated in 2020, overlooking Hamburg Cove. Hamburg Cove Yacht Club is dedicated to bringing together people who have a love of boating and who enjoy sharing their boating experiences with each other through a variety of activities both on and off the water.
We are currently in the process of sending invitations to clubs would like to make reciprocal arrangements with. Also, we have already received a number of invitations for clubs. Below is a spreadsheet of our current list. Don't see one you would like included? Those clubs shown red are clubs with whom we have a current reciprocal agreement.
Reviews (2)
Doug Savage
Doug Savage
Dec 18, 2017
Great club with friendly people where all are welcomed and lots of sailing fun is enjoyed together.
John Newman
John Newman
Nov 15, 2017
Great club really friendly people very welcoming to visitors and new members.