North Cove Yacht Club is dedicated to enjoying, preserving, and teaching a love of the sea. NCYC's location at the mouth of the Connecticut River makes an ideal launching point for day sails in the River or in the Sound or longer adventures to Long Island's North Fork or off to Rhode Island. Our Cove is something special.
You'll be in great company with years of boating knowledge and a willingness to share at North Cove Yacht Club. Whether together at sea or at the club, our members have fun helping each other. There are so many opportunities to share your knowledge. Come see all North Cove Yacht Club has to offer. From our professionally run launch to racing dinghies to kayaks and windsurfers, there's always something to do at the club.
You'll be in great company with years of boating knowledge and a willingness to share at North Cove Yacht Club. Whether together at sea or at the club, our members have fun helping each other. There are so many opportunities to share your knowledge. Come see all North Cove Yacht Club has to offer. From our professionally run launch to racing dinghies to kayaks and windsurfers, there's always something to do at the club.
For some years prior to 1968, the lack of a bona fide yacht club at the mouth of the Connecticut River seemed in congruous to a small but enthusiastic group of yachtsmen whose hailing port and homes were in Old Saybrook.
The group was convinced that the area's waterfront facilities which included a number of boat yards, marine services, a fine harbor of refuge, and a strategic location close to Long Island Sound, could not fail to win support for an association of their fellow yachtsmen.This trophy was donated by our first commodore, Everett A. Cooper.
The group was convinced that the area's waterfront facilities which included a number of boat yards, marine services, a fine harbor of refuge, and a strategic location close to Long Island Sound, could not fail to win support for an association of their fellow yachtsmen.This trophy was donated by our first commodore, Everett A. Cooper.
Right at the mouth of the Connecticut River - easy upriver trips as well as easy access to Long Island Sound. Our dockspace is perfect for loading up while our dinghy and watersports dock is perfect for launching. Launch service is provided by licensed drivers to North Cove and the moorings just outside the Cove.
The object of this club shall be to encourage the sport of yachting, to promote the science of seamanship and navigation. In promoting the science of seamanship, we offer both member and non-member adult and junior sailing instruction. This is also a great way to meet our members as we are always open to new recruits.
NCYC is very active on the racing scene. From our sanctioned races like the Outer Light Regatta to our Thursday night Club Racing schedule, there's lots of room to compete. Please mark your calendar for this special club event and sign up early. We would like to see a great turnout for this fun event where the requirement is to have a helmswoman at the wheel.
North Cove Yacht Club provides an engaging learning environment to promote the sport of sailing. The objective of the Club's Junior Sailing Program is to teach sailing in a safe and structured environment to any interested youth. For 2021, we will hold three two-week sessions. Please note that each session is ten days (except 4th for July week) and runs from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm on weekdays.