Golden Touch Acupuncture
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Acupuncture needles (filiform-thread or filament like) are used to stimulate the body's own repair systems. The effects range from mild to dramatic. Always eat something before a treatment. Your body needs energy to begin the healing process! Did you know that the main ingredient in gynecological Chinese herbal medicine is cinnamon?

Also there are over 350 different plants, minerals and animals used in thousands of different herbal preparations treating everything from the common cold to irregular menstruation. Cupping is an Asian Bodywork technique which is wonderful for relaxing muscles and relieving aches, pains and sprains!
TCM has identified many collections and patterns of symptoms that are indicative of an imbalance in the reproductive system. PMS - symtoms experienced can be any combination of breast tenderness, mood swings, headaches, abdominal pain in the overy area, anxiety, dream disturbed sleep and severe depression.
Low Back Pain -can be from sudden exertion, repetitive stress, disc injuries and/or aging. Arthritis/Joint Pain - can be from osteo or rheumatoid arthritis, tennis or golfer's elbow, sports injuries or repeitive stress injuries such as carpal tunnel. Fibromyalgia - is difficult to diagnose and difficult to treat with conventional therapies.
Now you can enjoy the benefits of natural herbal healing with this combination of Chinese neck muscle relaxer in pill form and a nice warming topical pain relief balm from Taiwan. The pills contain Chinese Kudzu Root (Ge Gen) along with cinnamon, ginger, licorice, white peony root, notopterygium root, Chinese Black Date and Job's Tears Seed.
Wear loose clothing - acupuncture needs access mainly to your arms from the elbow down and your legs from the knees down. If you have a condition related to your back, shoulders, stomach or other places on the torso that require treatment in those areas we will give you a gown to wear and also cover you with sheets or "draping.".
Traditional Chinese Medicine continues to make it's presence felt on the world stage as the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was jointly awarded to William C. Campbell and Satoshi Omura for their work on combating parasites and Youyou Tu for her discoveries in combating Malaria.

BOTTOM LINE: Acupuncture is associated with improved pain outcomes compared with sham-acupuncture and no-acupuncture control, with response rates of approximately 30% for no acupuncture, 42.5% for sham acupuncture, and 50% for acupuncture.Abstract: In Germany, acupuncture is one of the most frequently used complementary and alternative therapies.
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