The Sachem's Head Yacht Club is located on the Connecticut shore of Long Island Sound, in Guilford, Connecticut. The clubhouse near the Thimble Islands, serves an active racing fleet and is a summer base for families and juniors involved in sailing, swimming and tennis. The club was founded in 1896.
Probably the natural harbor at Sachem's Head has been the main reason for its becoming again a summer resort. More and more people built cottages and had boats to be cared for. Of course if you have a boat and I have a boat the question arises, "Which is the faster?" That perfectly natural question was the reason for the forming of the present Yacht Club.
Questions about rack spots on the Opti Dock for Opti, BIC, Laser, Paddleboards & JR Kayak Spots, please contact Thad Ozyck at Dock Spots for Inflatables & Rowboats - spots will be assigned with priority given to returning boats. Most likely there will NOT be any new spaces open in 2021.
This evening event is best for teens and adults (Juniors will be offered a hands-on version of this program during the sailing class day). Things kick off a littler later for this one, so please note the later start of 7:30. Dinner by La Cucina will be served. Bring your own knife to enjoy the steaks cooked up by our very own Commodore Ginz.
SHYC Junior Tennis Lessons are segmented by age, with class groupings further broken out by skill, age, and social groupings. We offer multiple levels of classes for red, orange, green and yellow ball players. Younger developing players will play Red Ball and work on hand-eye coordination, strokes, footwork and the fun of the game.
SHYC Swimming lessons are offered for children 5 to 12 years old*. Swim Lessons are held on Tues, Wed, and Thurs. Lessons/groups will be assigned by age, experience, gender and/or social groupings. Lessons will be offered by the session (2 weeks each). Swimming times will accommodate sailing and tennis schedules.