I design each and every plan with your specific lifestyle and challenges in mind that will get you to your goal quickly and safely. No cookie cutter workouts here. We have gotten stronger, have better balance, became more flexible and increased our cardio endurance without any injuries. I guess I would say I was old when I was younger.
He was also the perfect match for me because I have a permanent neck injury from being rear-ended four years ago and he is sensitive to that injury and we always find ways to work around it. Not only did I lose all the baby weight (35 lbs), I'm now 10 lbs lighter than before I got pregnant, I feel stronger and more toned all over.
He was also the perfect match for me because I have a permanent neck injury from being rear-ended four years ago and he is sensitive to that injury and we always find ways to work around it. Not only did I lose all the baby weight (35 lbs), I'm now 10 lbs lighter than before I got pregnant, I feel stronger and more toned all over.
Physical activity enhances and compliments a health life. It is important to be physically healthy to enjoy ourselves. On the other hand, if each training session leaves you so sore that you cannot enjoy the things you love, then my training is taking away from your life. Although you cannot eliminate all discomfort, in the beginning, it shouldn't be excessive.
If you are a client, then now is a great time to refer someone you know who wanted to change their life for the better. Once your friend makes the commitment to train for at least 8 sessions you will both get a Free session. You can use your free session for yourself or give away. It's your session you can do whatever you'd like with it.
Reviews (4)
Eva N.
Jan 12, 2019
Will’s helpful, effective and safe exercises gave me my post-baby body back. Not only did I lose all the baby weight (35 lbs), I’m now 10 lbs lighter than before I got pregnant, I feel stronger and more toned all over.
Will is very knowledgeable about a wide variety of exercises and always modified them to fit my fitness level. Every workout is designed differently so I never feel bored. He is also very accommodating when it comes to scheduling and is a very fun person to workout with.
Will is very knowledgeable about a wide variety of exercises and always modified them to fit my fitness level. Every workout is designed differently so I never feel bored. He is also very accommodating when it comes to scheduling and is a very fun person to workout with.
Gladys Morales
Dec 16, 2018
I decided it was time to make a change when I realized I weighed 238 lbs and was becoming a grandmother for the first time. I wanted to enjoy my time with my grandson but I was taking prescription drugs for hypertension and cholesterol and didn’t feel very healthy. I have always had trouble with my weight and I was scared to start an exercise program because everyone at the gym already looked so fit and healthy I felt out of place.
Will helped me to see things differently. He taught me that you don’t have to do a strenuous workout in order to reach your goal. A lot of people do too much when
Will helped me to see things differently. He taught me that you don’t have to do a strenuous workout in order to reach your goal. A lot of people do too much when
Santa Cruzer
Sep 03, 2018
I’ve been working with Will for about three months. I have enjoyed my time with him. He is knowledgeable, sensitive, compassionate, and dedicated to his profession. I chose Will because I wanted a trainer that could afford me the opportunity to workout In my living room on the floor with a few items such as bands and weights. I didn’t want to go to a gym anymore and I didn’t want to have to purchase a ton of equipment, so Will was the perfect match for me for that reason. He was also the perfect match for me because I have a permanent neck injury from being rear ended four years ago and he
John Bonsall
Sep 02, 2018
Will has had a possessive effect on my quality of life. His patronized customized training programs benefit those of all levels. No only have I enjoyed them my young adult former Div 1 soccer star also trainied with WIll prior to going over seas to play in the Scottish Premiere Futball league. She never looked more fit after working with Will, including the Div 1 NCAA training she received in her collegiate career. WIll has an modest easy approach that changes lives in achieving physical goals. There is none better.