I started Sweet Abe's with a delicious mission - to create a specialty vegan baking company that also offers allergen friendly options. Without compromising the "classic" dessert taste, my products can be enjoyed by all! My products are not only for vegan and food allergy sufferers, but also for those looking for quality, high-end products!
Where are you located? I am in Napa. My exact location in which you will pick up your order will be shared with you at the time of your order confirmation. Delivery ranges (is limited to the Napa Valley) and prices vary. I DO NOT SHIP ITEMS! Where can I find your pastries? You can find Sweet Abe's baked goods at Ritual Coffee Roasters, Naysayer Coffee and Oasis by Hoopes Vineyard.
Reviews (7)
Harvest Epicure
Nov 11, 2020
Maral Papakhian
Jun 10, 2020
Rose West
Jan 04, 2020
Ezjra Sander-Hewitt
Oct 08, 2019
Tessa Mini
Jul 05, 2019
Adriana Jones
Oct 06, 2018
Alexis Bernardo Magat
Aug 28, 2018
Abrah makes the most delicious desserts. She makes them from scratch and they are completely her own recipes! It's hard to think of my most favorite thing she's ever made because each dessert is so amazingly delicious. We don't call her amazing Abrah for nothing! You truly haven't lived if you have not tasted a sweet treat by Abrah. So go on and live your life to the fullest and check out sweet Abe's!