Pilates is a system of movement and exercise created and developed by German-born athlete and physical therapy pioneer, Joseph Hubertus Pilates. Utilizing his specially designed equipment, this innovative method educates, re-patterns, realigns, and balances your body. It promotes maximum muscle strength while increasing flexibility, coordination and stamina.
Pilates also decompresses your joints and, consequently, stimulates and improves circulation. This enhanced circulation, combined with increased strength, range of motion, and a more balanced musculature, promotes healthy tissue and precise, efficient movement patterns. Re-educates correct posture from the powerhouse.
Pilates also decompresses your joints and, consequently, stimulates and improves circulation. This enhanced circulation, combined with increased strength, range of motion, and a more balanced musculature, promotes healthy tissue and precise, efficient movement patterns. Re-educates correct posture from the powerhouse.