Muscles are the only tissue in the body that have the ability to contract and therefore move the other parts of the body. Through resistance weight training you can build muscle strength while losing body fat. Having a leaner, stronger foundation of muscle allows the body to perform at its peak level.
Your core is a complex series of muscles, extending far beyond your abs, including everything besides your arms and legs. It is incorporated in almost every movement of the human body. Having a strong core is vital to all body movements. Stabilization muscles work along with your mover muscles. Mover muscles are the large muscles that move your body.
Your core is a complex series of muscles, extending far beyond your abs, including everything besides your arms and legs. It is incorporated in almost every movement of the human body. Having a strong core is vital to all body movements. Stabilization muscles work along with your mover muscles. Mover muscles are the large muscles that move your body.
After 12 years of construction work I realized just what a toll it takes on your body, working with heavy materials and power tools. I have always been into physical fitness and weight training to keep in shape. I found that doing both was putting a lot of wear and tear on my body. In 2014 I took the National Academy of sports Medicine personal trainer course and became a certified personal trainer.
Nutritional information/guidelines on caloric intake per day based on your current weight, height, age and activity level to maintain your current weight, not losing or gaining. This number is the amount of calories needed per day to maintain current weight. I then take that caloric number of calories and provide you with the amount of grams for Protein, Carbohydrates and Fats needed per day to meet that amount of calories.
A. There are 3500 calories in one pound of body fat, so you would have to eat 3500 less calories per week to lose one pound. Therefore you would consume 500 less calories per day for seven days. But beware the more body fat you have to lose cutting calories will result in larger fat loss and water, however as you get leaner some weight loss will come from lean muscle.
Now that you've submitted your menu selections you are on your way to a new you. From here I will personally build you your nutritional menu and send it in an e-mail to you. The heading will read "TRAIN AND ACHIEVE NUTRITIONAL MENU".Once you receive, please contact me with any questions you may have via patrick@trainandachieve.com.
Patrick is an NASM Certified Personal Trainer and offers many different types of training. Patrick's focus is built on the Optimum Performance Training model (OPT Model). As a NASM Weight loss specialist, Patrick can provide you with a program to help you achieve your ideal weight. The OPT Model is based on scientific rationale of human movement science.
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