Avalon typically offers well over 40 regularly scheduled classes a week - over 2000 public classes a year! And that number doesn't include Saturday Workshops or our weekend Teacher Training Programs, which run all year long in our downstairs Graduate Studio. But even with thousands of scheduled classes, with two full-sized Studios we still have unused space that we'd like to put to use.
Here is a photo of one of Avalon's best-known Teacher Training Program graduates - the world-famous French dancer and choreographer Arthur Cadre, who flew in to train extensively with us in Palo Alto.
Here is a photo of one of Avalon's best-known Teacher Training Program graduates - the world-famous French dancer and choreographer Arthur Cadre, who flew in to train extensively with us in Palo Alto.
Arguably the most far reaching medical development of the last decade has involved our understanding of the links between chronic low-grade inflammation and so-called diseases of civilization and aging. Diseases now routinely linked to chronic inflammation, which in the developed but not undeveloped world has risen rapidly.
Avalon offers yoga classes led by internationally and regionally known teachers in a much wider range of international styles than most studios - a practice closely linked to the aims of our hard-science University-Level Teacher Training Programs. Camille Griego is a super talented Avalon Teacher Training Graduate with a loyal and growing Avalon following.
In 2012, the NY Times angered mainstream figures in the multibillion dollar "yoga industry" by publishing an excerpt from a new book by one of its science reporters, William Broad, The Science of Yoga: the Risks and the Rewards. There are serious inaccuracies in Broad's book, especially in its historical sections.
Mind-controlled transgene expression by a wireless-powered optogenetic designer cell implant. The fact that neural processes - and cultural programming viewed from a broader perspective - can turn genes on and off is not something we didn't know before. In a sense, all work in cultural neurobiology (studies of brains linked in larger cultural networks) depends on it.