Community Preschool is an urban Somerville preschool where the focus is on children's play and their social and emotional growth. At Community Preschool, we consider play the most critical component of school. While all children have unique learning styles, the desire to play is a common factor. Play is the vehicle by which children incorporate and build upon new ideas.
Play helps children feel safe to explore, wonder, and create. Play demonstrates the questions and interests of children that teachers can use to guide instruction. Research has shown that meaningful play in early childhood that is observed and extended by teachers is the most productive and useful way for children to learn.
Play helps children feel safe to explore, wonder, and create. Play demonstrates the questions and interests of children that teachers can use to guide instruction. Research has shown that meaningful play in early childhood that is observed and extended by teachers is the most productive and useful way for children to learn.
Jenn Guptill is Director and Lead teacher (DEEC certified) with twenty-five years of experience teaching in early childhood classrooms in Massachusetts. Jenn studied Early Childhood Education and Psychology. Jenn specializes in socially and emotionally responsive curriculum, using play as the basis for learning, and building a close and connected classroom community.
We are located in the heart of bustling Union Square, diagonally across the street from Market Basket. Our school is a spacious and light-filled space with many areas to explore. Check out our loft, our science center, our block and meeting space. Our dramatic play area is right next to our stage, with instruments to try out.
Community Preschool is an urban school community in Somerville, where the different perspectives, experiences, and dignity of each child, teacher, and family are respected. Enrollment is for preschool children aged 2 years 9 months old through 5 years old. Applications for admission are accepted on a rolling basis until a class is fully enrolled.
Robots capture our imagination. Recycled materials (shoeboxes, extra paper, plastic pieces, bottle caps), foil, glue and tape are used to bring these robots to life. Preschoolers used recycled and found materials together with play dough to create temporary and collaborative sculpture. Look! It's a magical forest!
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