In-person classes (registration is required) are held Fridays at Rendezvous Dance and Fitness Center. Class begins at 10 a.m. If you are new to this style of yoga, do arrive about fifteen minutes prior to start time so you can set up a space. Svaroopa yoga uses lots of props to support your spine and all props are provided.
Registration is here at the Sign In link, hyperlink Classes. Our Zoom teaching class days will continue through the end of 2021. Classes are held Weds, Fri, & Satur at 10:00 a.m. Classes are 90 mins. Registration is on this site under Classes, hyperlink Online classes. Payment is via PayPal, or you can purchase a subscription to a class series on this link: mireyoga.com/classes.
Registration is here at the Sign In link, hyperlink Classes. Our Zoom teaching class days will continue through the end of 2021. Classes are held Weds, Fri, & Satur at 10:00 a.m. Classes are 90 mins. Registration is on this site under Classes, hyperlink Online classes. Payment is via PayPal, or you can purchase a subscription to a class series on this link: mireyoga.com/classes.
You know how you've been dealing with lower back pain for years and you've tried everything and it never goes away? You know how maybe you're totally stressed out by work/family/boss. You can't sleep, you can't relax and you wish you could turn your mind off and have a minute of peace?
I help people with chronic physical or emotional pain learn how to heal faster and stay healed using a slow, gentle style of yoga so that you wake up feeling great every day.Svaroopa Yoga is slow yoga, using careful alignments and propping in every angle, customized to your body's needs and comfort in each pose.
I help people with chronic physical or emotional pain learn how to heal faster and stay healed using a slow, gentle style of yoga so that you wake up feeling great every day.Svaroopa Yoga is slow yoga, using careful alignments and propping in every angle, customized to your body's needs and comfort in each pose.
Svaroopa Yoga is a wonderful form of yoga and Michele is an amazing teacher. She is consistently patient and supportive in teaching this gentle yet very effective practice. Have had relief from sinus and sleep issues and feel stronger and more limber and toned. I look forward to class and the benefits it provides.
What a wonderful start to your day. Shavasana, with a guided awareness to relax your body, ujjayi pranayama breathing, to bring you calm, much needed clearing the mind and healing of health conditions from the inside out. Closes with a final twist for the upper spine. The tranquility you feel afterward will take you beyond what you could ever imagine.
Often called "Bliss Yoga, " Svaroopa Yoga is slower paced, utilizing careful alignments and, is customized to your body's needs, making our classes both accessible and profound. We specialize in unraveling the layers of muscles wrapped around your spine. The series cost is designed to offer a discounted rate for classes.
While in-person private sessions are not currently available, I am offering private relaxation breathing via Zoom. Email bliss3630@hotmail.com to register. The cost is $195/per session. You can use PayPal at paypal.com to set up an account, click send money, and type in bliss3630@hotmail.com. To attend a yoga class in the Svaroopa style, students must be able to get down to and up from the floor on their own.
Reviews (8)
June Baldwin
Feb 02, 2021
The benefits to my body were evident from day 1 and after taking classes with Michele for 2 years now the benefits are still increasing. I have less neck and shoulder pain and am just more comfortable in my body....sitting, standing, and moving. Michele is such a caring, attentive, and skilled teacher. After a class where we worked on sitting poses, I was sitting so much taller that I had to adjust my rearview mirror in my car!
Deborah Silberman
Oct 12, 2020
Kay Gorman
Oct 22, 2017
Sharon Cohany
Jun 12, 2017
Svaroopa is a wonderful form of yoga and Michele is an amazing teacher. She is consistently patient and supportive in teaching this gentle yet very effective practice. Have had relief from sinus and sleep issues and feel stronger and more limber and toned. I look forward to class and the benefits it provides.
Mike Donnelly
Jun 05, 2017
I've had my back fused to help with my sciatica. The residual muscle pain is annoying and I've found MiRe's type of yoga, which I call "Yoga for the back," most beneficial in improving how my back works. The poses don't hurt, but stretch the back to alleviate those pains. I strongly recommend it for anyone who wants a gentle and relaxing (non-contortionist) version of yoga. It's the best.
Karen H.
Nov 28, 2016
I found about about Mire Yoga in Rehoboth Beach, DE, where I had been doing Svaroopa Yoga for years. This is not athletic yoga. It will not stress you or injure you. It is relaxing and spinal-health oriented. I was thrilled to find Michelle's class here in Kensington near my primary home. Michelle's classes are small and welcoming. She is accommodating for all unique limitations you may have and adapts poses for your needs. There is no pressure or need for commitment. Just drop in. Also, Michelle provided a private session for a small group of friends so they could experience
L. Jeannette Feldner
Sep 25, 2016
I've been taking yoga classes at MiRĂ© for over a year now and find that the gentle but effective nature of the poses really help strengthen my back and body. The propping with load of blankets is so luxurious. It's great to know there is such great benefit from such little effort. It's not all easy, as basics such as the lunge and pigeon poses can be a challenge, but they are a good challenge that my body appreciates. Most poses are portable, in that they can be easily worked into an at-home practice. The teacher Michele is a joy to work with and explains, shows and adjusts postures for maximum
Bonnie Kramer
Sep 11, 2016
This form of yoga has been excellent in helping me gain more flexibility. I am more supple, have less pain and more energy to support myself. It's been a great discovery. Michelle is an excellent teacher; she pays close attention to each persons form, and makes sure everyone is well supported with props.